When and Where
  • 9/18/2024 6:00 PM EDT
  • 9/18/2024 9:00 PM EDT
  • Lakeland Community College 7700 Clocktower Drive Kirtland Ohio 44094 H Building Rooms H005/H008
AORN of Greater Cleveland Chapter Hybrid Meeting Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 6 15 pm Networking 6 15pm Meeting in person or via Zoom (must have video on) 7 pm CH offering (2CE) Topic: “The impact of retained surgical sharps and near misses on patient safety” Presented by: Ivy Montgomery of Melzi Surgical In Person Location: Lakeland Community College H Building Rooms H005/H008 off entrance 7700 Clocktower Drive Kirtland, Ohio 44094 Or Virtual via Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5364023231?pwd=WGYxQzV2ckQ3Ri9VTlhxaDlwZkcxdz09 Meeting ID: 536 402 3231 Passcode: gdg60t Go to www.GreaterClevelandAORN.org for more information Join us, bring some new ideas for 2024, and get involved in your chapter. Hope to see you there!